News from the Youth Board - A reflection on being part of the Youth Board so far

I first heard about the Youth Board from my drama teacher, who suggested it may be something I was interested in. I was immediately curious and decided to apply. The application process involved an initial application and an interview. For the initial application we were asked to respond to the quote "We know what we are, but not what we may be," from Hamlet. This allowed us to write or create almost anything in response; whether it be written, recorded, or filmed. I chose to create a piece of art inspired by the idea of endless possibilities and not limiting your options. After I had my interview, I received the email saying I had been accepted into the board and was incredibly excited for the opportunities to follow.

In November, we all met each other in person and got to know each other better, and it was really exciting to be able to talk to other young people with similar interests and a drive to share their ideas and make a positive impact. We all went to the What You Will Gala at the Criterion Theatre, which was an amazing experience where incredibly talented young people got to perform and share their work on a West End stage alongside professionals in the industry.

Since then, we've had several Zoom meetings and discussed interesting topics such as whether we should still be celebrating Shakespeare in 25 years. We all thought that yes, we should be, as Shakespeare's work is a fundamental part of the English language that has influenced almost all media since its time. We also participated in a creative challenge, where we created and pitched ideas for Coram Shakespeare Schools Foundation merch. Some of our favourite ideas were Shakespeare play themed highlighters, where each pen has a quote, and tote bags/clothing that is customisable with your character name.

Overall, I think the Youth Board has been a really positive experience and I'm sure the other members would agree. It has allowed us to feel heard and contribute to a foundation we care about whilst meeting other young people and having fun.

Youth Board Member

More than
young people have taken part in the Festival

Our flagship project is the Festival - the world’s largest youth drama festival.

About our impact

Coram SSF is a cultural education charity that exists to instil curiosity and empathy, aspiration and self-esteem, literacy and teamwork - giving young people the confidence to see that all the world is their stage.

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